
50 of the Most Handy Keyboard Shortcuts for MacOS [Safari Included]

If Apple really cared about the environment, why would they have a Trash Can instead of a Recycle Bin?

Sorry for starting off with that shamelessly copied internet joke. Beelining now for the topic, MacOS has a surplus number of keyboard shortcuts, only a few of which are habitually used. With this article, we have tried to assemble a few new shortcuts to draw your attention to their functionality, and the convenience they propose. Let us begin:

The Elementary Shortcuts

These are the most cardinal shortcuts people will ever use and, most probably, you are already familiar with them.

Command () + A → Highlight/Select all contents
Command () + C → Copy selected content
Command () + X → Cut selected content
Command () + V → Paste Selected Content
Command () + Z → Undo last action
Command () + Shift + Z → Redo last undone action

Desktop and Navigation Shortcuts

Navigation shortcuts can help you save enough time and energy if you are opening, closing or constantly sailing through multiple apps.

Command () + W → Close the front window
Command () + Option + W → Close all windows
Command () + M → Minimize the front window to the dock
Command () + Option + M → Minimize all windows to the dock
Command () + F3 → Hide/show all active window
Command () + Tab → Switch apps
Command () + Option + Esc → Force close application
Command () + N → Open new-window for the current app
Control + Up-arrow → Show mission control
Control + Down-arrow → Show application window

Power Menu Shortcuts

These are the instant power-shortcuts and do not offer any dialogue box for confirmation.

Command () + Control + Q → Lock desktop
Command () + Control + Power → Restart
Command () + Control + Option + Power → Shut Down

File-action & Finder Shortcuts

Have you ever wondered how easy would it be if we had a shortcut to create a new folder, or to rename a file?

Command () + Shift + N → Create a new folder
Command () + Control + N → Place selected files to a new folder
Click + Return → Rename
Command () + Click → Select multiple files
Space + Click → Quick lookup of selected content
Command () + Num (1-4) → Change icon-view

Screenshot Shortcuts

Take screenshots easily with these shortcuts.

Command () + Shift + 3 → Take a full screenshot of desktop
Command () + Shift + 4 → Take a partial screenshot of desktop
Control + [Above shortcut keys] → Capture and copy the screenshot to clipboard
Command () + Shift + 5 → Screenshot menu-bar

Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Increase your productivity and be a pro with these extra keyboard shortcuts on your Mac. They are certain to entertain your work speed.

Command () + Space → Invoke spotlight
Command () + Option + S → Trigger do-not-disturb mode
Command () + Option + D → Hide dock
Function + Side-arrows → Jump to top/bottom of the window
Option + Double Click → Open a folder in a separate window, closing the current window
Double-Click border (any side) → Extend border to the clicked side
Option + Delete → Delete last word
Command () + Drag → Arrange PiP anywhere
Command () + Control + D → Quick word lookup (dictionary)
Command () + Control + Space → Open emoji panel

Safari Shortcuts

As the name suggests…

Command () + Shift + \ → Show tab overview
Command () + Click → Open link in new tab
Command () + W → Close active tab
Option + Close button (x) → Close all tabs except for one
Command () + Shift + T → Reopen the last closed tab
Command () + T → New safari tab
Command () + N → New safari window
Command () + Shift + N → New safari private-window
Command () + Option + 2 → Show history
Command () + Option + L →Show Downloads
Command () + Option + E → Clear browser cache

Read: 30 of the Most Handy Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 10

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