iOS, Smartphones

What’s on my iPhone 11: 2020!

Everyone has their own unique way to organise the apps on their phone. Today let’s see what’s on my iPhone 11 and how have I set everything up. The apps that I use, the way I organise them, the wallpapers used and overall how does the phone looks. Hopefully this will give you guys some tips on how to set up your phone and your apps.


First things first, here are the wallpapers that I am currently using on my iPhone 11. You can go ahead and download them and use them on your own phones. These wallpapers look pretty awesome in my opinion.

Apps on my iPhone

Here is the list of all the apps that I use on my iPhone. All these apps are sorted into folders based on their type. For example Social Apps, Photo and Video Apps, Lifestyle Apps, Entertainment, etc. I won’t be mentioning all the apps that I use cause that list is too long. This post will have just the main apps that I use on my iPhone.

  • Wallpaper Apps

  1. Vellum
  2. Unsplash
  3. Fluid Simulation


  • Social

  1. Instagram
  2. Whatsapp
  3. Twitter
  4. Google Duo
  5. Zoom
  6. Tik Tok


  • Google Apps

  1. Drive
  2. Gmail
  3. Google Photos
  4. Google Maps
  5. Sheets
  6. Google Home
  7. Docs

  • Finance

  1. PayTM Money
  2. Coin
  3. Kite
  4. Smallcase
  5. Google Pay
  6. PayTM
  7. CRED


To know more about all the apps that I use, you can watch the full video on our YouTube channel

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